
All works © mak2 2024

"Pretty Artist, Ugly Male Art" is a provocative exploration of the intersection between aesthetic judgment and gender dynamics within the art world. Through a series of selfies taken in front of artworks by male artists that I personally find lacking in aesthetic appeal, this project challenges traditional notions of beauty and artistic merit. By juxtaposing my image with these works under the hashtags #prettyartist and #uglymaleart on Instagram, I aim to initiate a dialogue about the subjective nature of art evaluation and the often overlooked role of gender in shaping these perceptions.


This work questions not just the criteria used to judge art as 'beautiful' or 'ugly,' but also the broader societal standards that dictate these categories. It's a critique of how male-dominated art narratives have historically marginalized or overshadowed female artists and their contributions. Through this digital intervention, I seek to invert the gaze, compelling viewers to confront their own biases and consider the complex layers of identity, power, and aesthetics that influence our understanding and appreciation of art.